Acquired Brain Injury Waiver
Specialized Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services.
The Supported Living Group (SLG) is recognized as the leading force for non-medical, community-based, brain injury rehabilitation throughout Connecticut. Our industry-leading supportive ABI Waiver I & II as well as Private Pay programming promotes personal growth, skill enhancement, and community stability, earning recognition from brain injury survivors, families, and interdisciplinary teams.
SLG is the premier provider of ABI Waiver I & II services alongside private care options catering to brain injury survivors in Connecticut. With strategic locations in Danielson, Avon, and Bethany, SLG effectively addresses the community-based needs of brain injury survivors across the state. Our commitment to excellence is evident through the deployment of cutting-edge, person-focused clinical, vocational, social, and educational services.
SLG goes beyond standard care by offering in-house cognitive behavioral therapeutic (CBT) services, spearheaded by a team of industry-leading subject matter experts. This approach ensures timely clinical interventions, heightened service oversight, and unparalleled quality assurance for participants in our ABI Waiver I & II and private care programs.
Recognizing the unique challenges faced by brain injury survivors, SLG has developed innovative vocational rehabilitation opportunities tailored to their needs. These creative opportunities aim to enhance cognitive abilities, facilitate non-verbal expression, bolster coping strategies, boost self-esteem, and foster acceptance of one's new self. To support this initiative, SLG has partnered with professionals from the Connecticut arts community, who are adept at guiding participants in modern, fully equipped creative environments.
This collaboration has enriched our arts-focused programs, including ABI Waiver I & II, Pre-Vocational, and Supported Employment initiatives, with a focus on emotional growth and self-discovery. Participants benefit from unique creativity, self-expression, and specialized employment-based experiences, ensuring a holistic approach to rehabilitation and maximizing their potential for success.
Acquired Brain Injury Support Services
SLG prides itself on being recognized as the largest and leading provider of non-medical, person-centered, ABI Waiver I and Waiver II brain injury rehabilitation support services in Connecticut. SLG has invested heavily in developing three industry-leading program locations spanning the state, establishing benchmark program opportunities for brain injury survivors, and ensuring ongoing staff development opportunities to promote the individual successes and personal growth of those who utilize our services.
“All of these wonderful people far surpass all of the other agencies he has ever had since going out into the ABI community in 2012. SLG has supported him through countless very serious matters like (1) Being evicted from his apartment and also finding a replacement two-bedroom apartment for live-in help when it was almost impossible to find relocation due to Covid. ”
SLG's Independent Living Skills Training Services are individually tailored to individual life goals and recovery targets. SLG's credentialed ILST level staff educate, supervise, and assist our ABI Waiver Participants to develop and maintain skills in areas such as self-care, medication management, task completion, communication, interpersonal interactions, socialization, sensory/motor ability, community transportation competence, behavioral outburst reduction, problem-solving, money management, and household management.
Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)
SLG has developed an array of cognitively stimulating and life-enhancing Group Day Service options for individuals served by the Connecticut ABI Waiver I and II Programs. SLG's ABI Group Day Support Services have been created to incorporate generalized arts-based activities, as well as organized social and recreational opportunities. All ABI Waiver Group Day Supports have been developed with the goal of Participant inclusion, social and cognitive stimulation, and life enrichment in mind.
Group Day Support Services
SLG has developed a range of creative and stimulating Pre-Vocational opportunities for individuals supported by the Connecticut ABI Waiver Program, which are geared towards the development and enhancement of generalized employment skills and appropriate workplace behaviors. As part of SLG's Pre-Vocational opportunities, individuals are paired with one-to-one vocational skills trainers, who support and enhance progress towards long-term competitive employment goals through the utilization of behavioral modeling and generalized vocational task oversight.
Pre-Vocational Training
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others’”
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., clergyman, & civil rights activist
SLG is committed to meeting the competitive employment goals of individuals supported by Connecticut’s ABI Waiver I & Waiver II Program. Based on this commitment, SLG has developed numerous links with community-based independent employers, established an internal Bureau of Rehabilitation Service department, and established industry-leading artisan-focused Supported Employment opportunities.
Supported Employment Services
“Before he became part of this program, Mark was becoming a recluse, even to his family. His first few weeks in the program were tough for both of us. Change is hard for him, but he persevered and after seeing the different styles of art, he could do, he looked forward to going. He was more engaged in conversation about each of his daily activities and he has even tried to get me to do some of the painting he has been shown. Mark’s participation takes time and effort but is well worth it leading to his independence. My fear for his future is slowly dissipating as he progresses forward. ”
SLG has developed its Recovery Assistant (RA) services to promote the strengths and abilities of individuals associated with the Connecticut ABI Waiver Program to maintain and foster community living skills, in accordance with the therapeutic goals outlined in their plans of care. With this goal in mind, activities to improve socialization, self-advocacy, and assistance with the identification and development of natural supports are deployed by credentialed support staff trained and supervised by SLG in collaboration with GT Independence and CT Department of Social Services. Support services also include communication and coordination with interdisciplinary support options associated with the participant. SLG’s ABI Recovery Assistants also provide support with ADLs and play an important role in ensuring medication compliance, safety monitoring, and non-medical assistance.
Recovery Assistant (RA) Services
Personal Care Assistant (PCA) Services
SLG is committed to providing high-quality, one-to-one, Companion level support both in residential and community settings. SLG's ABI Waiver Companion Services continue the work of our ILST supports to ensure ongoing ABI Waiver Participant safety, support program consistency, and individualized progress is maintained across service environments.
Companion Services
SLG provides non-medical, hands-on, and educational support to ABI Waiver Participants to assist with eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and a range of other ADLs. SLG incorporated Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services into its array of ABI Waiver supports to ensure continuity of care and health oversight is consistently maintained.