Glamping - A Guest Blog About Brain Injury - by Greg Pastore
Glamping is camping only glamorous – this is camping in comfort by bringing non-essential items that fit in your car. With a car full, you can drive up to a campsite and set up a tent without keeping track of daylight. Really, this is the chief concern next to a masterful culinary creation. Making food requires no consideration for bulk and all regards for flavor (Flavor isn’t much of a concern after hiking-in with what can be carried on your back.) With a cooler full of food, a Bluetooth speaker gently played music, which romanticized the moment.
“Just Letters” A Guest Blog About Brain Injury - by Greg Pastore
It didn’t occur to me until days later that I had been in a ski accident and was totally paralyzed. A merciful doctor diagnosed me with locked-in syndrome. A blot clot formed in my neck, broke free, and entered my brain stem causing an ischemic stroke; I was lucky to be alive. He didn’t need to explain further – I was trapped in my body or ‘locked-in.’ What hope did I have to live a normal life? I’d ruminate on this until the words lost their meaning.