"Digging Deeper" – An Interview From Guest Writer Gregg Pastore

As a survivor of brain injury who utilizes services associated with the Connecticut Department of Social Services ABI Waiver program, I was interested in finding out more about those who help develop and oversee my support services. Often there is a divide between providers and those they support and in this post I ask The Supported Living Group’s Executive Director, Jamie Arber, to open up about himself to help me better understand what motivates him to support me and others in the brain injury community.

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Understanding Why Brain Injury Survivors Are Vulnerable to Telephone and Online Scams

Brain injury survivors in Connecticut and across the country often face numerous challenges as they navigate life post-injury, including vulnerability to telephone and online scams. In this blog, we explore the reasons behind why brain injury survivors are particularly susceptible to falling victim to scams in the digital age.

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Avoiding the Pitfalls: The Dangers of Infantilizing Individuals with Brain Injury.

Caring for individuals with brain injuries requires a nuanced approach that respects their autonomy and dignity, which is something that The Supported Living Group (SLG) has mastered. However, one common pitfall across Conneciucts ABI Waiver Program and raised as a concern by many brain injury survivors is unintentional infantilization. Infantilization, treating adults as if they were children, can have detrimental effects on their well-being, hindering their recovery and quality of life.

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