Growing Concerns with Self-Directed Care Under the Connecticut ABI Waiver Program

The recent shift towards self-directed care for individuals on the Connecticut Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Waiver Program has raised significant concerns within the community. This change, which coincides with GT Independence taking over subsidiary responsibilities from Allied, presents numerous challenges that could compromise the quality and consistency of care for individuals with brain injuries. While self-directed care offers the promise of increased autonomy and personalized services, it also introduces critical risks related to the quality, experience, and oversight of staffing. Moreover, it places an undue burden on individuals and their families, potentially leading to severe gaps in care.

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"Digging Deeper" – An Interview From Guest Writer Gregg Pastore

As a survivor of brain injury who utilizes services associated with the Connecticut Department of Social Services ABI Waiver program, I was interested in finding out more about those who help develop and oversee my support services. Often there is a divide between providers and those they support and in this post I ask The Supported Living Group’s Executive Director, Jamie Arber, to open up about himself to help me better understand what motivates him to support me and others in the brain injury community.

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Navigating the Connecticut Money Follows the Person Program: A Guide for Brain Injury Survivors

Are you or a loved one living with a brain injury in Connecticut and seeking to transition from institutional care to community-based living? The Connecticut Money Follows the Person (MFP) Program may be the solution you've been looking for. In this blog post, we'll explore how brain injury survivors can effectively navigate the MFP Program to achieve greater independence and quality of life.

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